The Society of St. John Chrysostom - Western Region
A participatory workshop presented by Norbertine Fathers V. Rev. Hugh Barbour, Prior, Fr. Chrysostom Baer, Head Cantor, and Fr. Jerome Molokie.
9:30am Gathering
10:00am Workshop (starts promptly)
12:00pm Office of Sext (Sixth Hour Prayers). Lunch follows.
1:00pm Questions and Answers followed by a brief SSJC-WR business meeting.
Please note:
RSVP required for lunch. Please contact Anne Petach at (or use this form) or (818) 347-0758 (voicemail).
St. Michael’s Norbertine Abbey
Abbey High School Building
19292 El Toro Road
Silverado, CA 92676 – 9710
Telephone: (949) 858-0222
Fax: (949) 858-4583
website (directions or use the Google map button above).
Fr. Hugh Barbour
(949) 858-0222 x222
A freewill offering for St. Michael’s Norbertine Abbey will be taken by SSJC-WR.
Download print ready flyers to advertise the workshop in your parish or organization (.pdf).
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Music and Chant of the Church: East and East. Part II: The East with Dr. Vladimir Morosan of will be held on January 29, 2011 at St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, 3025 Denver Street, San Diego (more information). Details TBA.