Old SSJC-WR By-Laws


The organization shall be known as The Society of St. John Chrysostom—Western Region. (SSJC-WR)


The purpose of SSJC-WR, a religious educational charitable foundation, shall be to make known the history, worship, spirituality, discipline and theology of Eastern Christendom, and to work and pray that the Orthodox and Catholic Churches may find full communion with one another in the fullness of unity desired by Jesus Christ.

The chapter may hold membership in other organizations that further SSJC objectives, and may sponsor affiliate chapters.

Section 1. Member Eligibility
Those who support the purposes of SSJC-WR and are members of any of the canonically recognized Eastern Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox Churches or of the Roman Catholic or Eastern Catholic Churches in full communion with the See of Rome shall be eligible for full membership. Others who support these purposes, including those under 18, shall be eligible for associate membership under sponsorship by a full member.

Section 2. Classes of members shall be:
2.1. Full.
2.2. Associate.
2.3 Honorary.

Section 3. Dues
3.1 The fiscal year shall be from January 1 to December 31.
3.2 Amount of local dues shall be set each year by the Executive Board and ratified by the members at the first meeting of the calendar year.
3.3 Dues shall be paid as soon as the amount for the year is ratified by vote at the first meeting of the year and become delinquent if not paid by the end of June.

Section 4. Membership requirements and duties.
4.1 Full members who have paid dues shall be eligible to vote and must be personally present at a meeting in order to vote.
4.2 Associate members shall pay nominal dues and shall not be eligible to vote. Associate members under 18 years shall have written parental permission to be members.
4.3 Honorary members shall be elected by members after recommendation by the Executive Board, and have a voice but not a vote.

Section 5. Disciplinary procedures.
Members shall have their membership terminated by vote of the membership and their dues for the current year returned to them if after warnings from executive board they persist in proselytism, disrespect of the beliefs or worship of other members, or divisiveness.

Section 6. Resignation of members
Members may resign at any time however, dues already paid will not be returned to them.


Section 1. Officers.
Elected Officers shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer. If there are no members of the clergy elected as officers, a Chaplain may be appointed by the President. If a member has not been elected from each constituency, an ex officio officer shall be appointed by the President. All officers shall perform all the duties associated with their office as described by the parliamentary authority of the organization.

Section 2. Eligibility of Officers:
Full members are eligible for election to offices if they are willing and able to travel to any location for meetings. The Secretary shall have ready use of electronic communication via e-mail. The Treasurer shall have knowledge of bookkeeping and of necessary banking procedures.

Section 3 Duties of Officers
3.1 President: Shall preside at all meetings of the general membership and of the Executive Board; shall call meetings, shall set the agenda for meetings, shall complete any forms requested by affiliated organizations, and shall represent the chapter to other organizations and to the media.
3.2. Vice-President: shall take the place of the president in the absence of the President, and be an active member of a Standing Committee.
3.3. Secretary: shall record minutes of meetings; shall handle correspondence, shall maintain an up-to- date membership list, shall notify members of all meetings and of election of officers.
3.4. Treasurer: shall collect dues, shall prepare an annual budget; shall maintain financial records including record of paid-up members; shall disburse funds as authorized, shall render complete accounts of all receipts and expenditures at each meeting; shall submit books for an annual audit as directed by the Executive Board and shall file all necessary statements with Federal, State, and local authorities.

Section 4. Nominations
4.1. Nominations shall be made by a nominating committee consisting of three active members representing each constituency, and two members of the Executive Board, excluding the President.
4.2 Nominations may be made from the floor by full members.

Section 5: Elections
5.1 Elections shall be held at the last meeting of the calendar year by written ballot of full members except that a voice vote may be taken when there is only one candidate for an office. There shall be staggered terms for officers, with term of two (2) years for the President and Secretary, and one (1) year  for other Board members.  At the first annual meeting the President and Treasurer shall be elected for two (2) years and other members one (1) year. Thereafter officers shall be elected at the last meeting of the calendar year to fill the vacancies of those officers whose term then expires. A simple majority shall suffice for election. 

Section 6. Terms of Office
6.1. Officers shall enter upon their duties at the meeting following the election and shall serve terms as follows: Treasurer and President for two years, Vice-President and Secretary for one year.

Section 7. Removal from Office
7.1. An officer may be removed from office by the Executive Board for repeated failure to fulfill duties of office, or behavior which would be cause for membership termination as in Article IV, Sec. 5.

Section 8. Vacancies
An office left vacant between elections shall be filled by the Executive Board and such persons shall serve until the next election.


Section 1 Composition of the Executive Board
1.1 The Executive Board shall consist of the officers, a Chaplain if appointed, and any offices appointed ex officio.

Section 2. Powers and Duties of the Executive Board
2.1 The Executive Board shall have the power to fill its own vacancies between elections, to act for the chapter in cases of emergency, to appoint a Chaplain, and to appoint Standing and Ad Hoc committee(s) 2.2 The Executive Board shall coordinate reviews and updates of the By-laws.
2.3 The Executive Board shall appoint a nominating committee.
2.4 The Executive Board Shall approve budgets presented by the Treasurer.

Section 3. Meetings of the Executive Board.
3.1 The Jan-Feb. (or first meeting of the calendar year) meeting shall be considered the Annual Executive Board meeting. There shall be at least two Executive Board meetings per year at intervals between membership meetings.
3.2 Decisions of the Board shall be by a majority vote of those present.
3.3 Quorum for an Executive Board Meeting shall be at least three members, including the President.


Section 1. The Executive Board shall appoint Standing and/or Ad Hoc Committees.

Section 2. Spending authority of committees shall be authorized by the Executive Board.

Section 3. The President, or Vice-President, may attend committee meetings as an observer or to provide information except that the President shall not attend meetings of the Nominating Committee.

Section 4. Eligibility for committees: Committee Chairs must be full members and shall be appointed by President with the approval of a majority of the Executive Board. Associate members may be invited to committee meetings as observers or to provide information.


Section 1. Times and places of meetings shall be scheduled by the Executive Board and/or the membership at the previous meeting. There must be a minimum of one meeting per year. The meeting at which elections are held shall be considered the Annual meeting, preferably in November.

Section 2 Quorum for general membership meetings shall consist of those members present at a meeting.

Section 3. Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the president, by the Executive Board, or by request to the President of a majority of full members to deal with a single issue and timely notices shall be sent to members.

Section 4. Notification of meetings: Members shall be notified of time and place of each meeting in the month before the meeting.

Section 5 Cancellation of a scheduled meeting. No business shall be voted on at a meeting that is held in spite of cancellation notices having been sent to members.

Section 6. Electronic meetings. There shall be no electronic meetings of the general membership. Electronic meetings of the Executive Board and of Committees shall have a written transcript of the meeting and any Board actions shall be attested to by signature at the next general meeting.


Robert’s Rules of Order, simplified, shall be the parliamentary authority.


The By-Laws may be amended, added to, or repealed at any meeting by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present who are entitled to vote, provided the proposed change has been presented to the membership least one month prior to the meeting at which the vote will be taken.

In the event of dissolution of the SSJC-WR, any assets remaining after payment of all debts shall be distributed to The National Society of Saint John Chrysostom in accordance with section 501(c)3 IRS Code Regulations.


These bylaws shall take effect immediately upon their adoption by membership.

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