Minutes – May 19, 2012

Minutes of the SSJC-WR Meeting
May 19, 2012
St. John the Baptizer Ukrainian Catholic Church, La Mesa, CA
Opening Prayer Service 10:00 AM Fr. James Bankston, Pastor St. John the Baptizer Ukrainian
Catholic Church.
Present: Officers: President: The V. Rev. Archpriest Fr. George Morelli; V.P.: Secretary Pro-Tem:
Marian Cavadias; Treasurer: Robert Greenwell; Chaplains: Fr. Cávana Wallace, Fr. James
Babcock, Fr. Deacon Michael Creighton (Member). Not Present: V.P.: V. Rev. Archpriest Fr.
Ramon Merlos; Sgt. at Arms/Parliamentarian: Frank Scialdone; Sec’y & Historian: Anne Petach;
Msgr. Dennis Mikulanis (Member).
Fr. James Babcock made a Motion to add item to agenda to separate the Secretary position into
two positions. Fr. Cávana Wallace seconded motion. Agenda approved with addition by
unanimous vote.
President’s SSJC-WR Report: Fr. George Morelli thanked Fr. James Bankston & St. John the
Baptizer’s Ukrainian Catholic Church for hosting this meeting of SSJC-WR. He also thanked the
Presentation speakers: Joseph Cunningham & Martha & Mary House Mother Sarah Oftedal.
Fr. George Morelli asks for prayers for healing: Jack Fiegel is not well and therefore it my be
difficult for him to continue with the Orientale Lumen Conference coming up on June 18-21st.
Vice President’s Report: No Report. Fr. Ramon Merlos excused due to pastoral obligations.
Newsletter Report: Fr. James Babcock. Spring 2012 LOE Newsletter is completed and
distributed. If anyone has any questions, please contact Fr. James Babcock and he will respond.
Fr. George Morelli mentioned what is generally included in the newsletter.
Secretary’s Report (Marian Cavadias):
All Spring LOE newsletters have been distributed by email to our membership (all those who use
email) and to our subscribers on our LOE website. All General Meeting Minutes have been
posted to the LOE website for review by anyone who would like to read them. Minutes for the
Executive Board Meetings are up-to-date and all Board members should have received the latest
minutes from our May 14, 2012, Executive Board Meeting by email. I have paper copies of our
Spring 2012 LOE newsletter her for anyone who would like one.
Announcement for an upcoming event: The 6th annual Roman & Eastern Catholic and Orthodox
Christian Ecumenical Service of Prayer for Christian unity, celebrating the descent of the Holy
Spirit on Pentecost will be held at the Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church, 995 NW St., in
Anaheim, CA 92801. It will be held on Friday, June 1, 2012, at 7-9 PM with a reception to
follow. The choirs of five Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches will participate in this
celebration of Christian unity on the Feast of Pentecost. There are flyers here with all the
Secretary’s Report (Anne Petach – read aloud by Marian Cavadias)
Anne Petach is excused due to disability.
I am grateful that Marian Cavadias is proving so adept at the duties of secretary. We have been
working together to make the transition smooth. I have mailed (USPS) the print copies of the
latest newsletter to Members, local Orthodox and Eastern Catholic clergy and bulk packets to
churches specified by Fr. James Babcock and to members who distribute by hand, e.g., Bob
Greenwell. Total for the recent mailing: $184.65.
As historian, I have print-copy back issues of most of the newsletters available to those who
request them. There is no index of topics for the newsletters as yet. Some SSJC-WR properties
have changed custodians. The banner and stand are in the custody of Marian Cavadias and the
icons panels for the portable iconostas given to Fr. James Babcock.
Treasurer’s Report: (Robert Greenwell excused due to out-of-town trip) Fr. George Morelli
read Treasurer’s report: nothing new to report. Thanks to Fr. Wallace for hosting us at St.
Margaret’s RC Church.
Fr. James Babcock motioned to accept Secretaries reports. Fr. Michael Creighton seconds. All
Sgt. At Arms Report: Frank Scialdone (not present, excused). Fr. George Morelli reported that
we have two board positions that are coming up for election. We have formed a Nominating
Committee of Fr. Cávana Wallace and Fr. Ramon Merlos, not Msgr. Dennis Mikulanis as noted
on the agenda (correction to agenda). We also need a Member-At-Large to join the board. No
volunteers at this time.
Chaplain’s Report: We must pray for unity and act as witnesses in our lives to unity in the
church. We must be responsible for one another’s salvation.
LOE Conference Western Region: Fr. George Morelli spoke about SSJC-WR planning our
second conference and how well last year’s conference was received and was very spiritual. The
original date for the conference was postponed because the key speaker was unavailable. Fr.
George Morelli is very familiar with the speaker and his work. Proposed date is March 1st & 2nd
of 2013. This will work well with the calendar of both Roman and Eastern churches as the dates
for Easter are very far apart next year. The speaker Dr. Robert Enright is available and will not
charge a stipend. He does require that his expenses be paid. Fr. Steve can provide the venue at St.
Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church in Irvine. Tentative title is “Forgiveness East and West”. The
proposed keynote speaker Robert Enright, Ph.D., is the author of “Forgiveness Is a Choice” and
founder of the International Forgiveness Institute, Inc. His website URL is: http://
www.thepowerofforgiveness.com/about/peopleinthefilm/enright.html Fr. George has a
Powerpoint presentation of about 200 slides that he can update and use.
Fr. Cávana Wallace moves to approve the proposed plans for the next LOE conference. Fr. James
Bankston seconded. All approved by unanimous vote.
Programs for 2012:
• “Christianity and Islam: A Coptic Perspective”, Sept. 22, 2012, at St. Marina, 5 Wrigley,
Irvine, CA. Beginning time 10:00 AM, ending early afternoon, Coptic church will host lunch.
Speakers will be from the Coptic Church. Fr. George Morelli stressed the importance of this
topic for Christians to increase their knowledge and understanding of Islam and the topic of
Martyrdom in the Coptic Church of the Middle East.
• “The Divine Liturgy, Eucharist & Sacred Vessels in Eastern & Western Traditions” with a
presentment of vestments and vessels. Fr. Cávana Wallace will be the western speaker.
Suggested date for this is June 1st, 2013, beginning at 10:00 AM.
• “Patristic Fathers of the Church: East & West Perspectives”. Msgr. Dennis will arrange for the
western speaker, possible venues are St. Augustine’s H.S. or San Rafael RC Church. We need
an eastern speaker. Proposed date is November 10th, 2012, beginning at 10:00 AM.
• “Mothers of the Church: East and West”. Fr. James Babcock offered to host program at Holy
Cross Melkite-Greek Catholic Church. The proposed date is January 26, 2013, beginning at
10:00 AM.
Motion made by Marian Cavadias to approve topics and dates; seconded by Fr. James Babcock.
Approved by unanimous vote.
In Frank’s absence Fr. George Morelli proposed Amendment of By-Laws to divide Secretary’s
position into two positions due to the heavy responsibilities carried by the Secretary. The current
By-Law reads:
3.3. Secretary: shall record minutes of meetings; shall handle correspondence, shall
maintain an up-to-date membership list, shall notify members of all meetings and of
election of officers.
The recommended change:
3.3 Administrative Secretary: shall have access to an up to date membership list and
handle administrative correspondence and tasks.
3.4 Recording Secretary: shall record minutes of meetings, shall handle general
correspondence, shall maintain an up-to-date membership list, shall with collaboration
with the Administrative Secretary notify members of all meetings and of election of
Motion by Fr. Cávana Wallace, seconded by Fr. James Bankston. Approved unanimously.
Fr. George Morelli recognized Diane Alves for all her work in posting articles and information to
the LOE web site.
Motion by Fr. James Babcock to end meeting. Catherine Brizeno seconded. Meeting Adjourned.
Closing prayer by Fr. Cávana Wallace.
Respectfully submitted by Marian Cavadias (Secretary Pro-Tem)

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