The Society of St. John Chrysostom - Western Region
2010 Seminar with Hieromonk Irenei Steenberg, Ph.D.
Others consider Pentecostal or charismatic expressions as authentic mystical experiences. Growing numbers seek mystical experiences and the esoteric through New Age meditation methods, blends of Buddhist thought, Native American spirituality, Hinduism and yoga, along with shamanism, paganism, eco-spirituality and Wicca.
For Eastern Orthodox Christianity, often called the “inner tradition of Christianity,” the foundations for Christian spirituality — and what Orthodoxy more authentically considers “the mystical life” — were laid by the early Christian ascetics and monastics of the Church.
In the silence of the desert, in the solitude of the cell, free from worldly entanglements, one could ascend to the contemplation and knowledge of God, and loving union with Him. This inner tradition of becoming “sharers of the divine nature” (2 Peter: 4 ) — all but lost to modern Christianity — survives, almost unchanged over the centuries in certain corners of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Hieromonk Irenei is a Russian Orthodox monk, priest, PhD. in theology, professor and author of numerous books and articles on early Church fathers and theology. He serves at Saint Tikhon’s Church, San Francisco. He is also the Principal of the St. John of San Francisco Orthodox Academy and Visiting Professor in Orthodox Studies at Santa Clara University. Listen to his podcast on Ancient Faith Radio called “A Word From the Holy Fathers.”
Friday. November 5 – 7pm and Saturday November 6 – 10am- 3pm
3505 Cadillac Ave. Bldg. G-3, Costa Mesa, CA 92626
This is Hieromonk Irenei’s exclusive seminar in Southern California in 2010.
Space is limited! Register now!
Admission: Friday – $5/person; Saturday – $10/person
Lunch on Saturday is included.
Local hotel/motel options are available.