SSJC Meeting – Christian Baptismal Catechesis

St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church 4949 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA, United States

The Society of St. John Chrysostom - Western Region Meeting Saturday October 1, 2011; 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Speakers: Fr. Steve Tsichlis, Pastor, St. Paul's Greek Orthodox Church, Irvine, CA and Fr. William Fitzgerald, O.PRAEM., St. Michael's Abbey. Silverado, CA Link to Printable black and white flyer for October 1, 2011 SSJC meeting

Christmas and Theophany: East and West

St. Margaret Roman Catholic Church 4300 Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside, CA, United States

Please Note: The December 9, 2011 SSJC-WR program at St. Margaret's, Oceanside mentioned in the Fall newsletter has been rescheduled: Christmas and Theophany Flyer (PDF) Christmas and Theophany Black and White Flyer (PDF) Saturday, January 7, 2012, 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at: St. Margaret Roman Catholic Church 4300 Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside, CA. 92056 Phone: 760-941-5560 Christmas […]

Lent in East and West

Unnamed Venue 3459 Manchester Ave., Cardiff by the Sea, CA, United States

Lent in East and West Link to printable Flyer (PDF): Lent, East and West (revised flyer) Saturday Feb 25th, 2012; 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church 3459 Manchester Ave, Cardiff By Sea, CA 92007-1525 (760) 942-0920 Program will be In the Adult Center  on the North  side of the Church […]

Huffington Ecumenical Symposium: Pan-Orthodoxy

Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles, CA, United States

The 2012 Huffington Ecumenical Symposium: “Pan-Orthodoxy, Towards a Local Church.” March 16-17, 2012 at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles. No Charge but registration required. 310.338.1917  Questions? Katherine Lash:

Praise of the Mother of God in Eastern and Western Traditions

St. John the Baptizer Ukrainian Catholic Church 4400 Palm Ave., La Mesa, CA, United States

The Society of St. John Chrysostom Western Region presents: Praise of the Mother of God in Eastern and Western Traditions Link to printable flyer Speakers: Eastern: Mother Sarah Elisabet Oftedal, Martha and Mary House, Escondido, CA Western: Joseph Cunningham B.A., S.T.M. of St. Mark Roman Catholic Church, San Marcos, CA Saturday, May 19, 2012 10:00 […]

Catholic and Orthodox Pentecost Prayer Service for Christian Unity

Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church 995 North West Street, Anaheim, CA, United States

God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit! (Romans 5:5) The 6th Annual Roman & Eastern and Orthodox Christian Ecumenical Service of Prayer for Christian Unity Celebrating the Descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost  will be held at The Annunciation Byzantine Catholic Church 995 North West Street Anaheim, CA 92801 […]


Washington Retreat House Washington, DC, DC, United States

ORIENTALE LUMEN XVI CONFERENCE “Theology of the Laity” June 18-21-2012 Washington Retreat House, Washington, DC Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia, Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople; Bishop William Lori, (invited), Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport, CT; Archimandrite Robert Taft, SJ, Pontifical Oriental Institute (Retired), Boston, MA; Sr. Dr. Vassa Larin, University of Vienna, Austria; Frederica Mathewes-Green, Author, Commentator, […]

CANCELLED – Christianity and Islam: A Coptic Perspective – SSJC-WR meeting

CANCELLED - St. Marina Coptic Orthodox Church 5 Wrigley, Irvine, CA, United States

    The SSJC-WR co-sponsored program: A Coptic Perspective on Christianity and Islam, scheduled for Sept 22, 2012 at St. Marina Coptic Church, Irvine, has been canceled by St. Marina Church in light of security concerns arising from the volatile political-religious situation consequent on the recent release of an anti-Islam film made in LA: ( […]

The City A Desert – Urban spirituality today

Loyola Marymount University 1 LMU Drive, , Los Angeles, , CA, United States

Link to Event Flyer - PDF Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Huffington Ecumenical Institute/Loyola Marymount University Reflections on the Catholic and Orthodox monastic traditions and their contributions to the Christian's search for God in the turbulence of work, family, school and urban life. Featuring Archimandrite Meletios Webber (Monastery of St. John of San Francisco, California) and […]

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