Mary, Mother of God: Bridge to Unity?

The Huffington Ecumenical Institute, Loyola Marymount University 1 LMU Drive, University Hall Suite 3700, Los Angeles, CA, United States

A lecture by: Fr. Deacon Nicholas Denysenko Theological Studies, LMU Fr. Dorian Llywelyn, S.J. Theological Studies, LMU The Huffington Ecumenical Institute: Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles Reception; 6:00 p.m. Lecture: 7:00 p.m.  Free and open to the public, although registration is required.  Registration, directions and additional information: Katherine Lash (HEI Assistant) 310.338.1917. On the […]

Retreat — Luminous Darkness: Knowing beyond Knowledge with St. Dionysius the Areopagite

Holy Resurrection Romanian Greek-Catholic Monastery, St Andrew's Abbey 31001 North Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Are you baptized? Guess what, that makes you a mystic! St. Dionysius can help show you how to live that mystical vocation we call the Christian life. By a careful study of his famous Mystical Theology, in the context of his other writings, we will look at one of the most profoundly optimistic visions of […]

$170 – $260

Music and Chant of the Church: East and West. Part II: The East

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church 3025 Denver Street, San Diego, CA, United States

Second of a two part series examining the music and chanting traditions of the Western and Eastern Churches. Dr. Vladimir Morosan of will present a workshop on the music and chant of the Orthodox Church. Location: St. George Serbian Orthodox Church 3025 Denver Street San Diego, CA 92117 619-276-5827 Cost: $10.00/person (includes lunch). […]


Light of the East Conference: Steps to Common Witness; Steps to Unity

St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church 4949 Alton Parkway, Irvine, CA, United States

Speakers: Fr. Thomas Fitzgerald, Fr. Ronald Roberson. With Metropolitan Gerasimos, Bishop Tod Brown, Bishop Nicholas Samra Location: St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church 4949 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92604 (949) 733-2366 $20.00/person Link to printable Flyer (PDF) Plus mail-in Registration Form below: Ecumenical Light of the East Conference 2-5-2011 Link to mail-in Registration Form (.doc) below: […]

Retreat — Bright Sadness: A Lenten Retreat with the Byzantine Monks

Holy Resurrection Romanian Greek-Catholic Monastery, St Andrew's Abbey 31001 North Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

Join the Byzantine Catholic monks in their celebration of part of the season of the Great Lent. In addition to joining the monks at prayer, workshops will help you see how everything about the Byzantine Rite: icons, music, fasting, prayers, church architecture and furnishings—everything!—is designed to engage the whole human person in an experience of […]

$225 – $285

Beauty in Evangelization: East and West

San Rafael Catholic Parish 17252 Bernardo Center Drive, San Diego, CA, United States

Link to Printable informational flyer for May 21 SSJC meeting Link to Printable black and white flyer for May 21 SSJC meeting Saturday,  May  21,  2011,   10:00  a.m. to 1:00  p.m. 9:30  a.m.  Roman  Catholic  Morning  Prayer  in  the  Chapel.   San  Rafael  Roman  Catholic  Parish,    17252  Bernardo  Center  Drive  San  Diego,  CA  92128-2086    858.487.4314 […]

Retreat — Involuntary Sin? An Eastern Christian Contribution to Christian Ethics

Holy Resurrection Romanian Greek-Catholic Monastery, St Andrew's Abbey 31001 North Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

It is easy to stereotype Eastern Christianity as the “mystical” and “contemplative” sister of the active, socially-conscious West. But it is also true that Eastern Christians have their own approach to Christian ethics, revolving around the twin notions of divinization (theosis) and asceticism (askesis). We will discuss how this moral vision leads Eastern Christians to […]

$170 – $260

Orientale Lumen XV East Conference — Washington, DC

Washington Retreat House 4000 Harewood Road, NE, Washington, DC, United States

Rome and the communion of churches: Bishop, Patriarch or Pope? The Orientale Lumen XV East Conference will be held in Washington, DC. The theme of the conference is Rome and the Communion of Churches. Plenary Speakers (confirmed): Metropolitan Jonah (Orthodox) Primate of the Orthodox Church of America Washington, DC Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia (Orthodox) Ecumenical […]

$225.00 – $2011

Retreat — The Jesus Prayer

Holy Resurrection Romanian Greek-Catholic Monastery, St Andrew's Abbey 31001 North Valyermo Road, Valyermo, CA, United States

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” The Jesus Prayer is an ancient monastic means to “prayer of the heart.” This workshop will help put the contemplative Jesus Prayer tradition at the service of contemporary Christians who seek to encounter God, “heart to heart.” Presenter: Fr. Maximos Davies Holy Resurrection […]

$170 – $260

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