The Society of St. John Chrysostom - Western Region
January 23, 2016
10 a. m. – 12:30 p.m.
Hosted by
St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Cathedral
2308 West Third St.
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(Corner of Third St. and Grandview)
(213) 382-6269,
Link to Printable Flyer: PDF
“The Diaconate in the Orthodox and Catholic Churches”
Orthodox Speaker:
Fr. Deacon Maxime Najim,
St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church,
San Diego, CA
Roman Catholic Speaker:
Deacon David J.Estrada,
Director of Diaconate Formation, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
Public welcome. A freewill Offering will be taken
Directions: From 110 Fwy. (N. or S). exit: 3rd St. W. on 3rd St. Turn right on Grandview to 4th St. Rt. On 4th St. to Church parking lot (immediately on right, behind the Church) .
From the 101 Fwy. (N. or S) Exit: Alvarado. S. on Alvarado to 3rd. St. Rt. on 3rd one block to Grandview, and as above. Note: Freeway traffic can be heavy on Saturdays around Los Angeles..