November 14, 2015
St. Paul’s American Coptic Orthodox Church
3002 Dow Avenue, Suite 140, Tustin, CA 92780
Present: Fr. George Morelli, Fr. James Babcock, Fr. James Bankston, Anne Petach, Bob Greenwell, Diane Alves, Victor Vallejo, Mark Hartman, Jim Trageser, and visitor George Abdelsayed.
Excused: Msgr. Dennis Mikulanis.
The meeting opened at approximately 12:45 immediately following the prayer service and speaker. Opening prayer was given by Fr. James Babcock.
Agenda Approval: Motion: Fr. James Bankston. Second: Bob Greenwell. Agenda Approved.
President’s Report: Fr. George thanked the host parish and Fr. Kyrillos Ibrahim,who was also the speaker.
Vice President’s Report: There was no Vice President’s report because Fr. Ramon wasn’t present.
Secretary report: Anne Petach, our executive secretary, announced that she will retire the end of next month. Recording Secretary, Diane Alves, asked if the members had received the Minutes of the last meeting (September, 2015.). A few printed copies were circulated. Motion to accept Minutes: Fr. James Babcock. Second: Bob Greenwell. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Bob Greenwell reported that we started with $1,305.20 before the previous meeting. $150.00 in dues was collected at that meeting. A check was given to speaker Eugenia Constantinou, which she donated back. $45.00 was collected at this meeting and $75.00 was given to the speaker which leaves us with $1,425.20. Motion to accept treasurer’s report: Anne Petach, Second: Fr. James Bankston. Motion carried.
Sgt. At Arms / Parliamentarian: No report was given.
Historian’s Report: Anne said she will continue as Historian while giving up the Secretary position.
Nominations and elections were held, led by our Sgt. at Arms / Parliamentarian, Mark Hartman. For Vice President the nominations were: Fr. Ramon Merlos and Fr. James Bankston. For Secretary, Diane Alves was the only nominee. Motion to close nominations: Bob Greenwell. Second: Fr. James Babcock. Motion carried.
Election results: Fr. James Bankston as Vice President, and Diane Alves, Secretary. Bob Greenwell volunteered to assist Diane with handling mailings.
Fr. Alexei, director of the Roman Catholic Ecumenical Office for the Los Angeles Archdiocese, will notify parishes in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. It was also mentioned that the cathedral does have a parking lot. The information about it is in the flyer.
2016 Light of the East Conference at St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, Irvine: The dates will be May 20th and 21st. The subject will be “The Lord Jesus vs. the Roots of Violence: Catholic and Orthodox approaches.” Registration will be $25. There will be a Friday night session and a 9 AM liturgy on Saturday the 21st.
Sub topics (general areas, not titles as yet):
– Friday night: Teaching of Jesus (Gospel outlook)
– Saturday morning: Saints, Church teachings (including divergences and controversies).
– Saturday mid-afternoon. Psychological roots of violence in all of us.
– Saturday later afternoon: Final summary panel
Possible Speakers: Friday night: Roman Catholic
Saturday: Orthodox: perhaps Fr. Emmanuel Clapsis (Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Brookline, MA).
Sat. afternoon: Fr. George Morelli. Final panel: Fr. Steve.
Schedule Format:
Friday Evening: 1st talk. 7-9 p.m. plus reception.
Saturday: Liturgy 9-10 a. m. (for those who wish)
10 a.m.-12 p.m. Registration and 2nd talk. 12-1:00p.m. Lunch
1:00 -2:30: 3rd talk. 2:30-3:30 Summation Panel
The benefit of having a Coptic representative on the final panel was discussed and approved by consensus.
Jim Trageser volunteered to help with publicity for the Conference. Fr. Steve Tsichlis is to be sent a flyer from us which he can reprint and distribute. Msgr. Dennis will also be asked to circulate the flyer and possibly to contact the Southern Cross newspaper. Anne Petach to ask Fr. Alexei about a listing in The Tidings, the newspaper of the LA Archdiocese.
It was decided by consensus that registration fees will be non-refundable after a certain date to be stipulated by Fr. Steve.
The possibility of adding the capability of using credit cards on our website was discussed. Mark Hartman will investigate this and help with it. Diane mentioned a possible PayPal link on the website which would make PayPal, not us, responsible for any security breaches. Fr. George mentioned that he thinks PayPal might not be secure.
There was discussion of lining up a hotel for the conference with discounted prices. Fr. George suggested La Quinta. It was suggested that Fr. Steve talk to nearby hotels. Mark Hartman made a motion to open negotiations with a hotel. Fr. James Bankston seconded. Agreed by consensus.
Executive Board Meeting: Potentially January/February at St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox), Irvine
Next Meeting; Jan 23, 2016 in Los Angeles, at St. Nicholas Antiochian Cathedral.
Motion to Adjourn: Bob Greenwell Second: Fr. James Babcock
The meeting ended around 1:45 p.m., with a closing prayer led by Fr. James Bankston.
Respectfully submitted by Secretaries, Diane Alves (recording) and Anne C. Petach