Society of St. John Chrysostom-Western Region
General Meeting
November 16, 2013
Our Lady of Kazan Patriarchal Orthodox Church
3703 Central Ave., San Diego, CA92105
Present: Fr. George Morelli, Fr. Ramon Merlos, Fr. James Babcock ,Bob Greenwell, Frank Scialdone, Diane Alves, Fr. Cavána Wallace, Fr. Antony Bahou, Fr. Robert Pipta, Deacon Michael Creighton, Deacon Tony Kabban, Victor Vallejo, George Baddour, Mark and Kimberly Hartman, Vladimir Bachynsky, Jonathan Deane, Jim Faris, and others.
The meeting began at 12:00 with an opening prayer offered by Fr. James Babcock.
Motion to accept agenda as presented: Frank Scialdone. Second Fr. Ramon. Agenda accepted.
President’s report: Thanked Fr. Ramon a Merlos and host parish for their hospitality and Speaker Fr. Anthony Bahou for his presentation on the Spirit of Fasting. Scheduled Roman Catholic speaker, Fr. Hugh Barbour, apparently forgot as he did not appear.
Newsletter: Fr. James: Distributed a copy of the just-published newsletter to each one present. Asked for copy, items for next issue as soon as possible. He also mentioned that we are short of money for publishing newsletters (which usually comes from dues). He encouraged us to try to bring in new members. He said that if we want to add a church to the distribution list, to be sure to get the pastor’s permission.
Secretary’s Report: Recording Secretary, Diane Alves distributed copies of the Minutes of the meeting of October 5, 2013 to those who had not read them by e-mail. Bob Greenwell moved to accept Minutes. Mark Harman seconded. Minutes approved as presented.
Treasurer’s report: Bob Greenwell: Balance as of Oct. 31: $1,615.85. Since then: we paid $345.48 to Fullerton Printing (for
printing 900 copies of the newsletter) leaving $1,270.37. Postage still to be paid will be $100 – $150. Fr. George mentioned that to help defray the cost of newsletters, people with businesses can make a donation and send us a business card which we will then reproduce on an advertising page in the newsletter Fr. Ramon moved to accept the treasurer’s report, Frank Scialdone seconded. Report accepted.
Nominations: Frank Scialdone reported not having received any further nominations. He called for more from the floor. There were none.
Historian’s report: No report. Historian, Anne Petach, not present.
Chaplains’ reports: None
The 2014 Light of the East Conference: To be held May 16, 17, 2014, at St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, Irvine; Topic: “Understanding Islam, Christian Perspectives.,” Fr. George mentioned that Fr. Tsichlis puts on excellent conferences at his excellent facility with good Greek food and motels nearby. Also mentioned: Fr. John Monestero had recommended Fr. Quan who has a Master’s degree related to Islam, or Fr. Al Baca as qualified speakers. Motion to accept the title, location, and date: Frank Scialdone; Bob Greenwell seconded. Motion carried.
The January, 2014 Meeting
Fr. George mentioned that we are hoping to get Fr. Dennis Mikulanis to speak in January (tentative date: Jan. 25) since his spot in May has been usurped by the conference. Topic to be “The Holy Land,” following his present sabbatical there (Biblical Studies, Archaeology). Motion to accept this plan was made by Fr. James and seconded by Deacon Michael Creighton. Mark Hartman motioned and amendment to allow for an alternative plan if needed. Fr. Ramon seconded. Amended motion carried.
Nominations :
Slate provided by the Nominations committee:
Anne Petach – Secretary
Diane Alves – Recording Secretary
Fr. Ramon Merlos – Vice President
Move to close nominations: Mark Hartman, Seconded by Frank S. The Slate was accepted by acclamation. New term of office begins in January 2014.
Announcements: Events
–Victor Vallejo mentioned an event planned for the NewmanCenter at USC in January 2014 to commemorate the meeting of Pope Paul VI with Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras and the lifting of mutual excommunications. Fr. George told him SSJC-WR would not be a sponsor unless Fr. Alexei, of the Los Angeles Archdiocesan Office of Ecumenical Affairs sent a written request to SSJC-WR to co-sponsor.
–Fr. James Babcock called attention to events listed in latest newsletter: December 2 religious liberty celebration at the Armenian Cathedral, Los Angeles, and some exhibits at the GettyMuseum, Los Angeles.
— Dates of the visit of the icon of Our Lady of Cz?stochowa, which Fr. Tsichlis has offered to host, were asked. Specific dates are not yet available.
Next meeting: proposed: Jan. 2014. Final date, venue, and topic TBA
Motion to adjourn: Bob Greenwell; Fr. James seconded.
The meeting adjourned at about 1:00 p.m. with a closing prayer offered by Fr. Cavána Wallace.
Respectfully submitted by
Recording Secretary Diane Alves and Anne Petach, Administrative Secretary.